Foreign Entity Registration

Do you have long-term Australian company expansion plans in mind but have a complex global tax strategy as well as an already existing global branch structure? If so, look no further.

In Australia, a foreign company establishing their presence can choose to establish a branch office instead of pursuing subsidiary incorporation. Whilst the option is available, it remains complex & time consuming. We’re here to help.

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illustration of people filing a time consuming form with transparent background

How We Help

Simply put, we help by simplifying and streamlining the foreign entity
registration process so that you can focus on growing your business.

We do this by giving you access to experts who not only speak your
but also have detailed knowledge of Australian jurisdiction
(its laws, customs and culture) so as to help you every step of the way…

Reporting Mustard

Open a Bank Account

Bank accounts must be registered in the company’s name with a bank licensed to operate in Australia.

Risk Mustard

Worker’s Cover

As part of your local compliance responsibilities, you will need to apply for Worker’s Compensation Insurance.

HR Compliance Mustard

Payroll Compliance

Including establishing a default Super Fund and registering for State Payroll Tax, to name but a few.

Expanding & setting up a company in Australia: the foreign entity registration


The Polyglot Group

Once registered, a foreign company has ongoing obligations to uphold.
Don’t risk falling short. We’re here to help.

Commercial copy Mustard

Registered Office

Branches must maintain a registered office & have a company representative present when open.

Reporting Mustard

Annual Return

Registered foreign companies must lodge an annual return with ASIC at least once every calendar year.

Superannuation Mustard

Financial Statements

Registered foreign companies must lodge financial statements with ASIC at least once every calendar year.

Up to Date Details

If details about your foreign company, its directors or the local agent change, ASIC must be informed.

Unlike a subsidiary, a branch office is not a separate legal entity. This means it does not
have limited liability
and is not recognised as having a separate legal identity.

The registration process for a branch office is also more complex, time consuming and administratively heavy than for a subsidiary company, as the business is required to
disclose both corporate information and supporting documentation to ASIC.

If you want to avoid any headaches, don’t go at it alone.

So, regardless of your business size or industry, if you’re a multinational
looking to expand & setting up your business in Australia,
we have the solution to ensure your
thrives with more support and most importantly, less risk.

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Our specialists are here to help your business grow with local support & knowledge.