What can enable small business owners to strive for international markets? How can women receive a fairer chance at trading globally?


The “Australia Awards: Women Trading Globally” delegation is dedicated to helping women take their business to new international markets. In partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade as well as the Australia Awards, The Export Council of Australia (ECA) has designed this initiative specifically for women who own small businesses in the Pacific region.


About the Delegation

Under the Aid for Trade initiative, the course entails intensive trading in both Brisbane and Sydney.

The November 2017 programme provided the opportunity for 15 women to develop the skills needed to embark on their international business expansion. Participants had the chance to develop their pitch, build their export strategy, expand their knowledge of international trade networks and connect with other female entrepreneurs.

The interactive agenda included a series of roundtables with trade experts.


Our Involvement

Our CEO, Corinne Bot, is immensely passionate about the values behind this initiative. She has dedicated herself to enabling business owners, especially young female entrepreneurs.

What’s more, Corinne is an expert when it comes to international trade. Her knowledge has seen her be elected as an advisor to French Foreign Trade known as Comite National des Conseillers du Commerce Exterieur de la France (CNCCEF).  This is a voluntary role which Corinne has carried out for over 15 years.

Due to her fierce dedication to enabling women in their business expansion, Corinne saw the “Women Trading Globally” initiative as an opportunity to help women with their ambitions. As such, Corinne gladly shared her knowledge on the “Roundtable with Women Business Leaders Engaging in the Pacific”.


Helping Women-Led Companies to Go Global

As part of the roundtable, Corinne provided practical insights to benefit the SMEs. In order to illustrate her own business journey, Corinne delved into topics such as:

– What challenges she faced when establishing her own businesses
– What aspects she would do differently (and common mistakes other SMEs should be aware of)
– The challenges of being a female leader, as well as the opportunities
– Other pieces of advice for entrepreneurs involved in global trade


The Importance of Supporting SMEs and Global Trade

Supporting SMEs is crucial for a number of profound reasons. Not only does it support the local business community, but also benefits job creation, trade-based economic flows, the sustainability of global supply chains as well as Australia’s prosperity as a global player.

As such, we look forward to continually supporting and mentoring those looking to expand their horizons, especially women who wish to make their mark on the global market!


About the Author:

Manon is Polyglot Group's Global Head of Marketing. Referred to a marketing "chameleon", Manon's superpower comes from her ability to jump from one project & specialty to another with ease. Not only is Manon deeply passionate about her work, she is also a diversity, empathy & equality advocate.

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