In this age of transformative disruption, staying cognizant of the latest trends in the B2B ecosystem could not be more important.


This is precisely why we headed along to the B2B Rocks Conference when it returned to Sydney for its second edition.

So, what was it all about? Well, taking place on September 28th, the B2B Rocks Conference offered the opportunity to learn from world-class experts, and meet the “doers” shaping the B2B ecosystem.

Over the course of the day, we had the opportunity to learn from round-tables, open discussions, and networking activities.

The speakers (including founders, executives, and investors) delved into many thought-provoking topics. Of course, the multi-faceted impact of technology was explored. It became apparent that technology is both enabling and challenging certain aspects of business.

Here are just some of the most insightful trends and techniques happening within the B2B & SaaS space.


Businesses Should Prepare to Scale

In a talk titled “Globalisation from Day 1”, we discovered the importance of planning for global growth (even at the start-up stage). This was a panel discussion between Nicolas Chu, Jeremy Francis, Fred Schebesta and Charlie Wood.

In order to expand globally, businesses need to be structurally adaptable to growth. That is to say, they require “bones” that will cater for future expansion.

All too many businesses set up without giving this enough thought, making it difficult to expand in the future.

Through personal stories, we learned how CEOs and Founders developed a growth-friendly business structure.


Technology Can Actually Enable Company Culture…

There’s a lot of negative talk around the digitalisation of communication. But have you ever reflected on the ways it enables connectivity and acts as a transmitter of company culture?

In a talk titled “New Ways of Working Enabled by New Technologies”, we learned that technology can enable a shared company culture across borders. Communication tools and software can ensure that the company’s culture, values, and policies can reach employees all over the world.

The importance of this ability is clear when we consider that 57% of companies have formal policies allowing employees to work remotely.


… But the Value of A Workplace Shouldn’t be Forgotten

In her presentation, Natalie Slessor of Lendlease discussed the friction between remote working options and the value of a workplace.

We have all experienced the connection between a physical space and a mental “zone”. Put simply, some employees find it easier to work in a workplace, rather than at home. Natalie went on to discuss the importance of coworking spaces in providing a “workplace” for remote employees.



The Future is Bright

The conference made one point crystal clear: flexible work practices are the way forward. The question is, “how can technology enable these practices, and overcome the challenges?”.
The B2B Rocks Conference showcased that there was no shortage of ideas in this domain. The way forward is being paved and re-imagined every day.


About the Author:

Manon is Polyglot Group's Global Head of Marketing. Referred to a marketing "chameleon", Manon's superpower comes from her ability to jump from one project & specialty to another with ease. Not only is Manon deeply passionate about her work, she is also a diversity, empathy & equality advocate.

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