What is the most challenging aspect of expanding a business to Australia? Arguably, understanding Australian HR is one of the most complex obstacles.


As part of our mission to help businesses grow, we enjoy sharing our expertise in Australian HR. Our recent POLY x TALKS was dedicated to helping companies from China.

On the 26th of October, we proudly kicked off our first Mandarin POLY x TALKS in Melbourne. Co-organised with CCCA Melbourne branch, this event was kindly hosted by our sponsor, Hall & Wilcox, as we took to their Melbourne Office.

Both Mr. Eugene Chen (Head of China Practice of Hall & Wilcox) and Mr. Xiaojia (Jesse) Wang (Commercial Counsellor of Consulate-General of The People’s Republic of China in Melbourne), delivered welcome speeches.

Following the warm welcome, our Solutions Designer, Kitty Chen, commenced her informative talk.



National Employment Standards (NES) and Modern Awards were a key focus of Kitty’s discussion. After outlining the importance of these regulations for businesses, Kitty helped attendees to understand these obligations and implement them in their own organisations.

One of the main challenges in understanding HR obligations is knowing how to correctly classify employees. As such, Kitty also delivered examples and case studies to outline different types of employment, including the difference between employees and independent contractors, as well as the difference between employees and interns.

Of course, Kitty’s talk ventured into multiple aspects of compliant HR practices. Such topics included how to administer probation periods, as well as how to manage the ending of employment (including resignations as well as constructive dismissals).

Many of the attendees were likely to sponsor one of their existing employees, and have that individual come to Australia to help facilitate the expansion. To help in this regard, Kitty also covered Fair Work’s Awards and Agreements surrounding the Working visa and foreign labour.

After the presentation, attendees asked Kitty about their own HR challenges, and had their questions answered.

Keen to attend our next POLY x TALKS? Stay tuned to our events page, and subscribe to receive email notifications!

Don’t forget to check out the photos from the night, as captured by CCCA.


About our POLY x TALKS

POLY x TALKS is all about spreading & sharing both our knowledge and our ideas. Inspired by the world renowned, boundary pushing TED talks, POLY x TALKS brings together professionals from all fields to discuss and share on topics within industries ranging from IT, Renewable Energy & Pharmaceutical as well as on more vast subjects such as HR or Business Issues & how to overcome them.


About the Author:

Manon is Polyglot Group's Global Head of Marketing. Referred to a marketing "chameleon", Manon's superpower comes from her ability to jump from one project & specialty to another with ease. Not only is Manon deeply passionate about her work, she is also a diversity, empathy & equality advocate.

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