On November the 17th, Jan Rieche, Polyglot Group’s General Manager in Renewable Energy & Engineering, was invited to be a guest speaker at The Western Australia Solar + Energy Storage Creative Drive Conference in Perth.

Chosen to be the moderator for the panel discussion of the day, Jan’s extensive knowledge and love of Renewable Energy in Australia & Globally made him the perfect candidate.

Joined by John Davidson, Managing Director of Energy Made Clean; Terry Davis, Director Business Operation from Midnight Energy Pty Ltd; Andrew Drager, Managing Director of Juwi Renewable Energy Pty Ltd as well as Terence Goh, Principal Consultant of DNV GL; Jan touched upon the Solar & Energy Storage Applications in Western Australia, which has long been touted as a potential Eldorado for the combination of large scale solar in combination with energy storage.

Especially mining companies, far away communities and the weaker edges of our electricity grid were said to profit immensely from falling costs for solar PV and energy storage equipment. However, so far only very few projects have gotten off the ground and are in progress as we speak. A few more are edging towards financial close and quite a few more are still stuck in that pipeline where they have been for the past few years.

So what is the issue? We heard about the technical and regulatory on-grid issues from Horizon, Western Power, Ergon, Transgrid etc. – whereas off grid the diesel rebate still seems to be making it cheaper to run fossil fuelled generators in off grid applications.

Is it declining demand for electricity in WA or the general downturn in prices for most mining output – or is it just the “big unknown” if renewable energy can contribute to providing uninterrupted base load power for running mission critical mining equipment?

Wanting to find out what they came up with? Do not hesitate to contact Jan.

About The Conference

Energy storage technologies are a game changer for the Australian energy market, offering the prospects of greatly increased flexibility, reliability and efficiency in the delivery of power to consumers. Energy storage will complement the accelerated deployment of renewable energy in its various forms. As storage technology evolves and costs decline, the potential for storage technology in Australia is massive.

Building on the massive success of the past programs, we are climbing another stepping stone on the Western Australia Solar + Energy Storage Creative Drive Conference, which will be Co-Organized by SAA Approvals Pty Ltd, TUV SUD. Taking your company’s expertise in this industry, we would like to invite you and your company to join this event.

WASESCDC 2015 devotes itself to bring you a great platform to discuss the latest trends and technologies and to network with your clients. We are targeting 40+ Speakers, 20 Exhibitors, 400 senior participants to join this grand gathering.

Meanwhile, in-depth insights and guidance from leading experts will be provided, mainly focusing on the impact of the critical trends shaping the global industry and subsequent changes in energy storage format and economic cost, energy supply model, new marketing innovation, consumer insights, supply chain optimization, energy storage R&D trends, all within the Australia local context.


● 40+Speakers
● 20+Exhibitors
● 400+Senior Professionals
● 10+Hours of Networking-Gala Dinner, Coffee Break, Cocktail Party
● Support of all the key industry associations

Why We Attended:

● Networking: networking with key contacts and communities in the energy storage sector
● Learning: getting the first hand information of Australia energy storage market, building your knowledge
● Enabling: access an audience of buyers and specifiers with real needs in the energy storage sector
● Growing: growing your business in the emerging market with new contacts, inspiration and technology

Key Topics That Were Discussed:

● Australia Energy Storage Market: Opportunities, Challenges and Trends
● Overview of the Demand for Solar + Energy Storage in Australia
● Residential Energy Storage System from AEMO Perspective
● Improving and Optimizing Energy Storage System for Energy Networks from Utility Perspective
● Australian Energy Storage Market -Certification Standards
● Australia Regulatory Market & Policy for Energy Storage
● Grid Utility Support Systems (GUSS) Project
● Project Showcase: Developing Utility-scale Solar PV in Remote Power Networks and Mine Sites
● Smart Grids and Energy Storage CSIRO Energy Flagship
● Evaluating Energy Storage Services For Short and Long Term Applications for A Distributor & Retailer
● Case Study: 50KW Solar PV + 80KWH Energy Storage System
● Advances in Lithium Energy Storage Technology
● Evaluation of Energy Storage – Cost & Performance

Who Attended?

● Government, Public Utilities, Supervision Unit
● Power Companies, Power Grid Companies, Energy Developers
● EPC Contractors, Engineering Consultants
● Energy Storage Project Owners
● Sales Agency, Sales Distributor
● Battery Manufactures
● PCS, Inverter Manufactures


About the Author:

Manon is Polyglot Group's Global Head of Marketing. Referred to a marketing "chameleon", Manon's superpower comes from her ability to jump from one project & specialty to another with ease. Not only is Manon deeply passionate about her work, she is also a diversity, empathy & equality advocate.

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