The age-old question of gender equality in the workforce endures to the present day. But will we be able to make progress for equal representation if men and women do away with traditional roles and stigma?


The short answer? Well, there isn’t one. But this is where it gets interesting.


At A Glance

The discussion of gender equality at work is nothing new in Australia. Women account for 47% of the national workforce, with a third of them working part-time.


Education and Workforce Participation

In terms of education, the odds appear to lean slightly in women’s favour. In 2024, women make up 55% of university students in Australia. However, things change drastically after graduation. The gender gap – in both representation and pay – begins here and is evident in every industry and at every occupational level.


Representation in Leadership

Amongst C-suite and executive roles, women are still few and far between. Women make up 16.5% of CEOs or heads of business, 29.7% of key management positions, and 24.9% of board members. Despite efforts to improve these numbers, progress remains slow.


Gender Pay Gap

According to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), as of 2024, women earn roughly $238 less than men per week. This disparity also affects life within and around the workplace. One in five women aged 18–64 experience sexual harassment, while one in three women aged 15 and over experience physical violence when they leave the office.


Discrimination and Flexibility

Furthermore, one in five mothers are made redundant, and one in two experience discrimination at work. Lack of flexibility and acceptance is a particularly pressing concern for working mothers. The need for flexible working arrangements and supportive workplace policies is critical to addressing these issues.


Global Comparison

The World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2024 revealed that out of 146 countries measured for gender parity, Australia came in at 26. While this is an improvement from previous years, it suggests that Australia still has significant work to do to lead by example on the global stage. Globally, the gender gap has closed by only 0.1 percentage points since last year, standing at 68.6%. At this rate, it will take 134 years to achieve full gender parity.


Cultural Factors Behind Gender Segregation in the Workplace

As we examine gender representation across the Australian labour force, one thing is clear: almost every industry in the job market is alarmingly gendered.

According to the latest data, of the top 30 jobs in Australia, all but a handful were skewed more than 75 per cent towards either men or women. This significant gender imbalance highlights the ongoing challenges in achieving workplace equality.


Industry Concentration

Women are most concentrated in Health Care and Social Assistance (80.2% female) and Education and Training (63.4% female). These sectors have traditionally been female-dominated, reflecting broader societal norms and expectations about gender roles.

Conversely, industries such as Construction (88.3% male) and Mining (84.4% male) remain heavily male-dominated. This stark division underscores the need for targeted efforts to encourage gender diversity across all sectors.


Global Perspective

Globally, across all industries, women currently make up on average:

  • 33% of junior level staff
  • 24% of mid-level staff
  • 15% of senior level staff
  • 9% of CEOs

These figures illustrate the persistent underrepresentation of women in leadership roles worldwide. Despite progress in some areas, significant barriers remain that prevent women from advancing to higher levels of management.


Cultural Factors Behind Gender Segregation in the Workplace

The gender segregation we observe today stems from a number of widespread cultural factors. These intangible yet ingrained notions and phenomena shape our society in more ways than we might think.

Whilst talent pools are expanding, and the exclusion and segregation of women from certain fields is hardly as conscious and strategic as it was in the past, institutional issues persist. Why?

Ultimately, the driving force behind these patterns of behaviour is culture – something that goes far deeper than legislation or public discourse and influences everything from the micro to the macro level, standing even the test of time.


Unconscious Bias and Internalised Perceptions

Certain cultural perceptions (or misconceptions) lead to unconscious biases; many of which are internalised by women themselves. Research suggests that women are less likely to aspire to high-tier executive roles, discouraged by the stress or pressure of the role.

Their ambition may well be dissuaded by stereotypes implying that successful and career-focused women are less ‘feminine’ and ‘approachable’, and that such success comes more from hard work than skills.


The Vicious Circle of Representation

The World Economic Forum also notes the unfortunate nature of this vicious circle. The historically scarce participation and representation of women in the labour market mean fewer role models for working women today, which in turn serves to further complicate the personal experiences – and cloud the public perceptions – of women at work.


Addressing Cultural Barriers

To address these cultural barriers, organisations can implement several strategies:

  • Awareness and Training: Conduct regular training sessions to raise awareness about unconscious biases and their impact on decision-making.
  • Mentorship Programs: Establish mentorship programs to support women in their career development and provide them with role models.
  • Inclusive Policies: Develop and enforce policies that promote gender equality and inclusivity in the workplace.
  • Encouraging Open Dialogue: Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing gender issues and sharing their experiences.


The Push for Change

There is certainly talk of change. Lack of dialogue and awareness around diversity and equity may hinder said change, but there is an increasing amount of attention placed on gender imbalances in the job market, whether through media coverage, public opinion, or government regulation.


Impact of Government Regulation

Government regulation has had a notable impact. For instance, the diversity policy implemented by the ASX Corporate Governance Council led to an increase from 8% to 26% in the number of female board members of ASX-listed companies by 2024. This significant improvement highlights the effectiveness of regulatory measures in promoting gender diversity.

Additionally, over 1 million Australian workers are now able to take leave and benefit from other protections thanks to the addition of domestic violence clauses in workplace agreements and award conditions. These protections are crucial for supporting employees facing domestic violence and ensuring their safety and well-being.


Global Trends

Some studies conducted overseas also suggest things are improving slowly but surely. Recent statistics from US recruitment agency CareerBuilder showed that from 2009 to 2017, 23% of all jobs traditionally held by men were filled by female workers, such as CEOs, lawyers, surgeons, web developers, chemists, and producers. Meanwhile, during the same period, men took 30% of the new jobs in positions typically held by women. Currently, 27% of all female-dominated occupations are held by men, such as education administrators, pharmacists, interior designers, cooks, accountants, and human resources managers.


Shifts in Australia

According to the Centre for Future Work at the Australia Institute, since the financial crisis, the proportion of men working in the female-dominated sectors of healthcare, aged care, and social assistance has increased. However, the number still stands at a mere 20%, and only one in ten Australian nurses are male.

Interestingly, the most equally-represented roles across the board include retail managers, accountants, kitchen hands, and contract, program, and project administrators.

Progress is not always concrete and definite. In terms of equal representation and treatment in the workforce, it may feel like for every step forward, we take two steps back. However, continued efforts in promoting dialogue, awareness, and regulatory measures can drive meaningful change towards a more gender-equal workforce.


What will push us to prioritise diversity and make inequality a thing of the past, knowing that it can be addressed and recognising the benefits it would bring?

To make inequality a thing of the past, we must continue to raise awareness, implement inclusive policies, and foster a culture that values diversity. By doing so, we can create a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

Need further assistance? Contact our experts to discuss how you can create a gender-equal workforce and drive your business forward.

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About the Author:

Corinne is the founder & CEO of Polyglot Group. Corinne is a strong advocate for diversity & firmly believes in the necessity for leaders to be active in their community. Corinne is also a Trade Adviser for the French Government and continues to be a leader amongst the French community in Australia.
Read more about Corinne Bot.

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