Work parties are a fun way to reward staff and celebrate the end of another year. But sometimes the ‘silly’ season can quickly head south. Getting people together away from their normal workspace – particularly if you add alcohol to the mix – can be a recipe for trouble if you’re not careful.

In this article, we explore key practices to ensure that festive events in Australia are memorable for all the right reasons.


1. Clear Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy For Corporate Events

Establishing a clear code of conduct for festive events is paramount. Communicate expectations regarding appropriate behaviour, respect for colleagues, and adherence to company values, and educate employees on what constitutes inappropriate behaviour and the consequences of such actions.

This proactive approach fosters awareness and emphasises the importance of treating colleagues with respect.


2. Pre-Event Communication

Before the festive event, communicate expectations and details clearly. Emphasise the importance of professionalism and respectful behaviour. This pre-event communication can set a positive tone and remind employees of the significance of maintaining decorum during the celebration.


3. Responsible Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is often a part of festive celebrations, but it is crucial to encourage responsible consumption. Implement measures such as providing a variety of non-alcoholic beverage options, limiting the duration of an open bar, and organising transportation options to ensure employees get home safely. This can include arranging for designated drivers, rideshare vouchers, or other transportation alternatives.


4. Inclusive activities

Plan activities that promote team building and inclusivity. This could include games, team challenges, or other interactive events that encourage positive interactions among employees. By fostering a sense of unity, you reduce the likelihood of undesirable behaviour.

Also, ensure that festive events and activities are inclusive and respectful of diverse backgrounds and beliefs. Consider the cultural and religious diversity within the workplace, and plan activities that are welcoming to all.


5. Considerate gift exchanges

If your organisation participates in gift exchanges, establish guidelines to ensure gifts are appropriate for a professional setting. Encourage employees to be considerate of cultural and personal preferences when selecting gifts, avoiding anything that may be offensive or inappropriate.


6. Designated Event Supervisors

Designate supervisors or HR representatives to oversee the event. Having responsible individuals present can help manage any emerging issues promptly. Make it known that these supervisors are available to address concerns and ensure everyone feels safe and comfortable.


By implementing these HR practices, Australian organisations can create a festive atmosphere that is not only enjoyable but also respectful and inclusive, leaving employees with positive memories and a strengthened sense of camaraderie.

If you have any questions or need further guidance, please do not hesitate to reach out. We’re here to ensure your celebrations are seamless and memorable.


Celine Senior HR Advisor

About the Author:

With over 20 years' experience in Human Resources, working across both government & private sectors, Celine is an expert at her craft. As a Senior HR Advisor, Celine has extensive experience working across different industries, advising clients on a wide range of HR topics.
Read more about Celine Rethore.