Personal networking is important…but so is business networking! 


Today on the podcast, our Partnerships and Business Development Manager, Jade de Kort, explains the importance of business networking and gives her tips to establish business relationships and maintain them. 


Some of the topics we touch on include: 


– Choosing conversation-starter topics

– Online business networking

– Maintaining a network


If you’re looking to kickstart your business networking look no further than our new podcast with Jade. 



Don’t have time to listen to the podcast? You can read the highlights below.


What is the purpose of networking with other businesses? 

I think business networking has a multi-layered purpose. You definitely go out there to look for synergies with other companies and to look for business opportunities that might be interesting. That’s one thing, but you also learn a lot about what’s going on in your current industry, in society, or in the business network in general. 

You look for opportunities and synergies, of course, and also because you meet other people and form bonds with them, you also create ambassadors for your own brand. The more you push your brand out there and the more you connect with people, the more they become ambassadors for your brand, which not only gives you direct business but also indirect business because they are going to refer your brand to their clients, etc.

The referrals happen between people, not companies

Definitely. With business networking and just doing business in general, I think it’s a lot like being out there and being seen knowing people. Many business referrals are made between people I know at that company, rather than from company to company. So it all comes down to building trust and that network in order to increase the visibility of your brand and business. And make sure, as I said, that business not only comes in directly but also indirectly, because other people become ambassadors for your brand.


How do you personally engage with people at a networking event? 

I think most people overthink it. It’s not that hard. All the people that are at the event are really there to network, to learn about other businesses, and to meet other people. So I would definitely say to keep it (sentence topic) light and really touch on some current subjects in the industry, like hot topics. Because all the people there and all the businesses will be affected by everything that’s going on in society today. Let’s say that at Polyglot Group, we do a lot of recruitment. So a good question for me to engage people at an event would be, “How do they find their current talent in today’s market?” because that’s a subject that touches every company. So keep it light, keep it relevant, and keep it actual.


How do you build and maintain a strong professional network? 

So maintaining a strong professional network allows you to get to know some people, the face behind the company. Because, as I said before, a lot of business is done between two people rather than between two companies. So, to maintain that network, check in on a regular basis, know what’s going on, and really build that trust and relationship so they can trust you with their business network. I think that’s quite important. And yeah, be out there, be seen, and make sure you stay within a close circle.


40% of people say they network more online than in person. What are your tips for online business networking?

Yeah, I think it’s a very classic idea that all networking is done face-to-face and in person. However, the new normal in the new world after COVID is that a lot of the events are online, which is a lot easier to facilitate because not everybody can be at one spot at the same time. Going forward, I think the best way to go is to have a combination of both. Make sure you have some things online—webinars, virtual events. But, every now and then, do an event in person, meet people face to face, feel that connection, feel the energy, but I believe you can have the best of both worlds. 


Outside of attending events, do you do things such as commenting on your networks’ posts, sending emails, and following up on them? 

Yeah, on LinkedIn, a lot of people make posts. And as we were talking about earlier, maintaining a strong network involves engaging online. There are so many social platforms out there where you can really engage with your network. So you have a lot of possibilities, not only in person but also online, to really maintain and build that strong professional network, which I feel is important not only for your current job but also career-wise. 


Do you have some final thoughts or tips for our listeners for business networking?

As a final tip, I would say just get out there. Don’t be afraid. Not all events are very formal and stuffy. Just have fun. Take it lightly and explore every possibility that’s out there. And remember, it’s all about making the connection and building trust. And as I said, business is done with people, you know, more than companies. Networking is actually a lot of fun!




About the Author:

Manon is Polyglot Group's Global Head of Marketing. Referred to a marketing "chameleon", Manon's superpower comes from her ability to jump from one project & specialty to another with ease. Not only is Manon deeply passionate about her work, she is also a diversity, empathy & equality advocate.

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