This years Sydney City Business Awards, held on August the 2nd at Town Hall, celebrated the business success of 115 outstanding finalists from a variety of industries including health care, retail, financial services, pet food, accommodation, technology, employment and consulting.


Nominated earlier in the year as a finalist, we are thrilled to share that Polyglot Group was chosen as the 2017 Employer of Choice!

The NSW Business Awards celebrates business excellence in NSW by recognising and rewarding outstanding businesses whose passion, determination, innovation and success inspire other businesses and business people.

The Employer of Choice award more particularly recognises organisations that put in place strategies and initiatives to create stimulating and supportive workplace environments for their employees.


Polyglot Group CEO & Founder, Corinne Bot, accepting the award.


Our CEO & Founder was in attendance to collect the award on behalf of the team. In celebration and in honour of the award, she has graciously shared her acceptance speech with us…


“I am deeply honoured to be here to accept the Employer of Choice Award on behalf of my team. Having created Polyglot Group 22 years ago, it is genuinely humbling standing here today and have my business be recognised as a great place to work.

Upon entering this year’s Business Awards and choosing this category, we took a moment to ask ourselves: “What does it truly mean to be an Employer of Choice?”

In plain terms, it refers to establishing a business that is a great place to work. However, I believe it encompasses a little bit more than that.

In my opinion, employers of choice are those who have gone above and beyond to create a welcoming, fair & respectful culture that is based on equality, diversity and empathy.

An employer of choice offers Job Security, Recognition, Respect, Opportunity for Growth, Access to Information, Commitment, Involvement, Positive Relationships, Work-Life Balance, Fairness and above all Empowerment.

An employer of choice is an organisation or business that sees their team members as more than just a means to an end. They consider them to be their most prized asset. Even above their clients.

This may sound out there, but it’s the truth. Without team members believing and working towards a common goal, you wouldn’t have clients in the first place.

For Polyglot Group, being an Employer of Choice goes far beyond the title. Ever since our foundation, we have and continue to care for all our team members as if they were family. This feeling hasn’t wavered as we have grown. Instead it grows stronger. As a global company now, this culture has expanded across borders and resonates with all our polyglotters.

By genuinely caring for each individual, we are able to empathise and cater to their unique needs and goals. And this makes a world of difference to both them and the business.

By making the workplace more diverse, equal & fair, by customising the experience for each person, we have been able to create a safe place for our team members. One they are proud to work for.

All in all, I am proud of my business. Today and every day. But most importantly I am proud of my team. I may have started it alone, but it was able to grow so beautifully and become what it is today thanks to the men AND women that have put their time and passion into it.

With this in mind, I would like to thank CareSuper, the City of Sydney and the Business Australia (formerly, the NSW Business Chamber) for this amazing honour. We are truly humbled.

I would like to end by congratulating our fellow finalists. All are incredible businesses making a difference for their teams, going above and beyond to make sure that they enjoy their workplace. What an amazing achievement that is. Thank you for letting us be a part of it.”


2017 NSW Business Award Winners


About the Author:

Manon is Polyglot Group's Global Head of Marketing. Referred to a marketing "chameleon", Manon's superpower comes from her ability to jump from one project & specialty to another with ease. Not only is Manon deeply passionate about her work, she is also a diversity, empathy & equality advocate.

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