La Camara’s Renewable Energy Forum unites industry leaders from Spain and Australia, with the purpose of investigating current renewable energy trends.
The Polyglot Group is proud to co-sponsor this event alongside Commonwealth Bank. As always, our Global Head of Energy, Storage and Infrastructure, Jan Rieche was keen to contribute to the dynamic discussion.
Jan shared his years of expertise through his talk about risk mitigation in renewable energy projects. With over 10 years of experience in staffing renewable energy and infrastructure projects, managing such risks is one area of Jan’s expertise.
As many project risks are commonly overlooked, Jan highlighted some of the “hidden” issues, including poor recruitment choices, spiraling labour costs, and a failure to be compliant. Having worked with some of the world’s best known renewable energy and infrastructure projects, Jan was able to share best practices for the mitigation of such risks.
Jan provided the audience with practical and useful knowledge by highlighting specific challenges within the realm of Human Resources. He shared his knowledge regarding complications such as visa issues, difficulties in understanding Australian awards and conditions, as well as managing the relatively high Australian labour rates.
In sharing his knowledge at such discussions, Jan looks forward to continuing to assist Australian renewable energy projects with best practices in management and risk mitigation.